The Benefits of Having a Marketing Strategy


Having a clear and concise marketing strategy is essential to any business. A marketing strategy is the roadmap to overall success. Success can be measured in a multitude of ways, but often it means to reach a targeted audience. Whether you’re looking to gain new or returning customers or improve your online engagement, having a roadmap will ensure that you are adequately growing and evaluating your business and reaching your goals.

Issues that Arise WITHOUT a Marketing Strategy:

You Waste Time and Money

Having a marketing budget is crucial. However, just because you’re making decisions within budget, doesn’t mean they’re effective. Reckless spending can be as ineffective as having no budget at all. Often times when there is no strategy in place, you are spending time catching up, rather than sticking to a plan, and this eats up your time that could be spent running your business in other ways.

You Suffer from Information Overload

The world of marketing is constantly evolving — particularly for B2B and B2C businesses. There are lots of right and wrong ways to do marketing, apparently. Not one method works for every business, therefore you might be overloaded with experts and articles telling you that there is more than one way to achieve success. Instead of trying them all out in a short period of time, do the research and find a strategy that works for your business. With technology advancing at a rapid rate, you will see marketing trends all over the internet. Don’t overwhelm yourself trying to keep up with the times, leave it to the experts.

Click here for some of the experts in B2B digital marketing from all over the world!

You Produce and Display Effortless Content

We’re talking effortless as in, you’re literally putting little to no effort into your content. This often occurs when businesses post things out of personal attachment, for aesthetic purposes only, or because of a rapidly-approaching deadline. If you produce content that is off-brand, your audience will notice. If you post something on the fly because it’s a national holiday and you forgot, people will notice. Your content matters! This is why having a set marketing strategy with content reviewed and scheduled ahead of time is important.

Benefits of Having a Marketing Strategy

It Reinforces Your Brand

Brand consistency positions you in the marketplace and points you towards qualified leads. If you want to be a go-to business in your industry, you want to be recognized. Customers should know your business by name and face. Part of your eCommerce marketing strategy will include brand consistency, meaning you’ll carefully curate your brand’s image. This can include everything from color choices to slogan to tone of voice on social media. Whatever you choose, just remember to stay consistent. Think about it this way: what is your brand’s golden arches or green mermaid?

Want to take a step back and evaluate your brand? Check this out!

It Saves you Time and Money

Having a plan is always faster. When has not having a plan ever worked for anyone? Remember, you want to be proactive with your content, not reactive. With a marketing strategy, you will predetermine and allocate money and time spent on specific marketing efforts that will benefit your business. Spending money on your marketing efforts is essentially buying customers. With a clear marketing strategy, you will attract prospective customers to your business and nurture your current leads. You’re showing them that they’re worth spending time and money on.

It Helps You Analyze What Works

You might get lucky with your marketing strategy in the beginning and that’s great. However, every business faces bumps in the road. Having a precise roadmap for your marketing efforts will allow you to analyze each step and make sure you’re working to promote your business in an effective way. This roadmap allows for business owners, marketing teams, agencies, and anyone collaborating to work in unison.

If you want to know more about marketing strategies or want to collaborate with the experts, let’s chat!